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Mediation stands apart from most dispute resolution methods due to its non-confrontational nature. There doesn't need to be a winner and a loser; instead, both parties can emerge victorious, as the mediator facilitates an agreement that benefits everyone involved....

My Ex-Partner Has Consulted a Mediator – What
Should I Do?

If your ex has reached out to a mediator to discuss matters following your separation, you may receive an invitation to attend a meeting, commonly referred to as a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM). This is a typical step in the mediation process,...

Mediation Is Not Just for Adults!

Child Inclusive Mediation offers you, as a child or young person, the chance to meet and converse with a trained mediator who is assisting your parents in navigating family matters due to separation or divorce. This process can benefit you as well, whether your...

When You Require Legal Guidance


Mediators can provide general legal information, such as an overview of the law regarding financial settlements during divorce. However, they cannot offer personalised legal advice tailored to your specific situation.

Legal advice can be beneficial for:

  • Making informed decisions related to any legal matters discussed in mediation
  • Evaluating any proposed agreements reached through mediation
  • Transforming the written agreement into a legally binding document, like a consent order
  • Assisting you in preparing divorce papers for the court, if necessary

You can obtain legal advice from a solicitor at any stage of the process. It’s crucial to choose a solicitor who specializes in family law and adheres to the Law Society’s Family Law Protocol; you can verify this when you first reach out.

A family solicitor you hire will represent your interests exclusively but should also help you consider how decisions may impact other family members, particularly any children involved.

If you’re worried about legal fees, collaborating with your ex to address issues through mediation can significantly reduce the need for extensive solicitor involvement, thereby keeping costs down.

Affordable Advice provides economical legal guidance for separating couples by combining online, step-by-step resources from Law for Life’s Advicenow website with offline legal advice from a network of Resolution family solicitors at key stages of the process.

Keep in mind that you may be eligible for legal aid, which could cover the costs of legal assistance during mediation.

Alternatively, you could reach out to Mediation Solutions UK.